Portraiture has always been my favorite style of photography, but only when it's candid.
Early Self PortraitMLK Jr. Peace March, 2003Chainmail at DragonConI was told that I could photograph the creamers, but not the stacker thereof, so I shot at f/1.8.This is one of my favorite gothic model portraits. High contrast black and white intensifies the look.I married a genuine pirate.Even though the young lady is now a teenager, this photo is timeless.The young lady's momOne of my favorite wedding portraitsLeaving the wedding, it takes a fisheye lens to show the scale of the celebration.Really cool sculpture of concentric reflective rings on the Beltline. Kortni is behind the sculpture and I'm in front reflected off.Kortni at Point Gratiot in Western NY. This photo was taken with a c1950 Zeiss Ikon medium format camera that I bought in nearby Jamestown, NY.This photo is accidentally awesome. I shot the photo at the wedding of close friends, and I promptly lost the roll of film. When I found it and processed it in time for their fifth anniversary, the long expired film had a haunting antique quality.My wife and her cousin at Point Gratiot in Western NY.Requisite selfie with Kortni. Western NYGothic model at Atlanta's Oakland CemetaryAnother from the Oakland Cemetary shootMy wife in Atlanta's Oakland CemetaryMy wife on South BeachAtlanta Peace PoetsMy American Gothic